【TOPick親子比賽】親子最營食譜大賽 - 51號參加者Aiden Richli Portugal小朋友


發布時間: 2021/06/28 12:16

最後更新: 2021/06/30 14:31



We decided to make homemade doughnuts because Aiden loves it for breakfast with fresh milk. We prepared the eggs, butter, sugar and salt into the yeast mixture. And add the flour until combined. Once we have mastered this basic recipe for a fluffy, yeasted doughnut, we can do pretty much any recipe in terms of glazes, toppings and fillings. The result is a truly great, hot, crisp doughnuts. The doughnuts were soft and tender and it was easy to make. We had a wonderful time preparing this recipe together as a family. Aiden had much interest in culinary and we had fun along the whole process.


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